Help Me Help You

I first had a passion for science and physics. There were many ideas I wanted to prove, like orgone energy and ghosts. I obviously was a logical mess at the time. Over time as I started to understand the tenets of logic and reason, I shed the majority of my unsupported beliefs and even found problems with science and physics. After a certain point, I realized that I wasn’t going to find my logical consistency with science – which is surprising because most people do.

I ended up going to philosophy for a better foundation. This helped in some ways but where philosophy went in the 19th and 20th centuries was off the rails. I started to see that some of the ancient philosophers (Plato and Aristotle) built much of the philosophical foundation that we have today. I’ve even discovered problems with this. You may be saying at this point, who is this person that can easily disagree with the greats? Well, I’m nobody special. Like many others, I’m just trying to make sense of the world. If I find logical inconsistency, incoherence, or fallacies, I’m going to identify it and attempt to rectify it. After many conversations with many friends, I think that I’ve solved many of the problems in philosophy and the philosophy of science. Namely in the branch of Epistemology. With your help in critiquing my work show me where I’ve gone off the rails. Just let me know. But, keep in mind that it will take time for me to explain all I’ve come to understand. So, please be patient so I can build a solid foundation for you to critique. When I am done, we will both be the better for it.

Quality over Quantity

I considered publishing first, but I think the quality of my material would suffer from not having a proper critique. As I compile this book together, I hope to sharpen and cultivate solid arguments and interesting mind experiments.

Years of Study

I don’t have a degree in philosophy, but I do have an A.A. and the equivalent of at least a Bachelors. I’ve combed through most of the philosophers many times to understand their amazing ideas and grand concepts. I love that there are so many ways to look at the world. If I describe a concept inaccurately, please correct me. But, keep in mind that there are at least a handful of words that I’ve had to retool to be more accurate in my descriptions. I’ve been given the argument many times that I may not have the authority to make up new words. OK, maybe I don’t. But, I’m not going to intentionally give you a word that is inaccurate that would lead you astray. So, in time I will provide a properly defined vocabulary in which to convey this work.

Ethical Adventure

I’m working on a Choose Your Own Adventure. It is an exploration in ethics. Right now it is a sketch, but I hope this game can show some of the problems when it comes to ethics.

Ethical Adventure


Office: (941)525-4665